Wasn't able to post yesterday
as i have been "Hustling" ALOT to get my Art Work ready
to hang my 3 ART SHOWS THIS WEEK!
(OWWW!) seriously hurting today!
(woke up at 5:30 this to finish framing and Print titles and Bio)
Just hung up my Show at Liquid Assets that will be up during The Taste of Ashland.
Big Thanks to my Friend Cory for the Help this morning, and Denise co-owner/manager of
the "wine Bar/Eatery".
It was great to see Artist and Friend David Gordon
who was taking his art down.
I really like his work, and extended one of the classic…
"Id love to trade you a painting of mine for one of your's?"
heres a link if you haven't seen his work yet.
Below is a photo of me, after having hung my very handsome show at Bloomsbury's Coffee shop
(it will be up for the month of february)
The Next Show i am hanging is for the Dancing People Company's
Second Sunday Sketches up all month and Showcasing some of my Verbal Word Hurdling on The Second Sunday, February the 8th 7-8pm
Above Flier by Robert Head
Thanks for tuning in as always…
and "May the Muse be With you!"
Miles Frode
Wow, Miles, so great to see your work getting out there more. Great color and energy in your vision. Everyone should see your work to see how unique and satisfying it is. Keep up the energy and great work.