Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Life is short..Art is Long Blog #47


Tuesday March 29th 2016

Miles Frode's ALL ORIGINAL
                                             Paintings, Sketches, Sculptures and "Urban Cadence" FABRICS

12"x16 Acrylic, india ink

$370 +shipping and handling

My name is Miles Frode

I am a 31 year old Emcee, 3rd generation Artist, Designer and lifetime poet.

These are my artistic on-goings of the last few weeks since my last Tuesday Blog.

(I must admit I'm an Art Addict..so these are just a few of the things i've been working on:)
BELOW- A sketch from one of my february 2016 sketchbooks
BELOW-   Ashland Landscape 2011

Acrylic on masonite
NON-DOMINANT handed                        

$615 (Frame included) + shipping n' handling

Interested Parties please, feel free to give me a call,text or Email at

BELOW- some slices of one of one of my block printing techniques:)
                  For me a juicy Abstract/ed piece of art has a Variety of marks and textures…

                       These are some of my favorites i made in the last few weeks since we last hung out.

BELOW- 2 Watercolor Sketches from one of my february 2016 sketchbooks

Interested in Art MAil back and forth Original Art/Collage/Poetry Trade/PLay?

Give me a call, Email me or text an address i can send you some art flavor:)..

If you send me something back….I will keep it going!

I'm just about to send my first overseas, To Thailand!

BELOW-a technique i figured out from some of my Late Grandmothers Art i found using a grocery bag and Block print in and Roller:) yay!!!! 


BELOW- a 9"x12"mixed media piece i painted this year

$250 + shipping n' handling

BELOW- Modigliani inspired piece i did
after first discovering his nursing of napes neckery

also one of my first pieces i did upon moving to Ashland
from Santa Rosa. 2009

acrylic on board

$420 (frame included) +shipping n' handling
 BELOW- 11"x11"
Mixed Media collage on art board

one of my newer pieces, still in play inspired by the rich textures of Texan Artist, David Bates

 BELOW- 9"x12"
Acrylic, india ink

$160 +shipping n' Handling

BELOW- 6"x12"
Color pencil and marker on un-gessoed board

$135 (frame included) +shipping n' handling

BELOW- 18"x22"
Mixed media, collage

$400 (frame included) +shipping n' HAndling
 BELOW- 16"x20" "Disappearing Chris" Collabo evolve
acrylic, india ink

$275 +shipping n' Handling

LEFT- 6"x12"
acrylic, india ink on wood

$200 (Frame included)
+ shipping n' HAndling

BELOW- "1984"
a small 5x7" assemblage i did a few days ago.

BELOW- 2 Watercolor Sketches from one of my february 2016 sketchbooks



- 5 Canvas mono-print "Strap/strips" about 5"x 26"
-3 Canvas Mono-print squish panels about 18"x20"

 ABOVE- #1

$30 +shipping n' Handling
(FULL photo about 5"x26")

LEFT-and BELOW- close up sections of #1


$30 +shipping n' Handling
(FULL photo about 5"x26")

LEFT-and BELOW- close up sections of #2


$25 +shipping n' Handling
(FULL photo about 5"x26")

LEFT-and BELOW- close up sections of #3


$30 +shipping n' Handling
(FULL photo about 5"x26")

LEFT-and BELOW- close up sections of #4

 ABOVE- #5

$30 +shipping n' Handling
(FULL photo about 4.5"x26")

LEFT-and BELOW- close up sections of #5

BELOW- 2 Watercolor Sketches from one of my february 2016 sketchbooks

BELOW-                   "bEYEcicles"

 India ink, Paint pen, acrylic on 6x6" wood panel

$65 + shipping n' Handling

Interested Parties please, feel free to give me a call,text or Email at
2 Photos Above (FULL and Close up segment)
(close up segments) Right and Below-

Gold/ Citrine One-Off Mono-Print

 $60 + shipping n' Handling

(close up segment) Left

Gold/ Metallic Olive /Citrine One-Off Mono-Print

 $65 + shipping n' Handling

Interested Parties please, feel free to give me a call,text or Email at

 Above (FULL)
(close up segments) Right and Below-

Gold/ Metallic Citrine One-Off Mono-Print

 $60 + shipping n' Handling

Interested Parties please, feel free to give me a call,text or Email at

 BELOW- one of a handful of cubist floral "broaches" I'm working on for an up and coming Design Outside The Lines Retreat i will be guest teaching.
 BELOW- one of a dozen or so cubist rib cage "broaches" I'm working on for the same Retreat.

if your reading this part, then you may be receptive to one last LESSON/idea
try the opposite of what you think you should do…

and once you've thrown yourself under that ol' bus thats always there…
take some time…don't judge what you've done to get there
or what you think you now have as a result.

Sit with it/them…look at them
but look to see…rotate them
take them with you to the kitchen, to bed and to the garden.

in different lights and moods.

Art and it's inspirations are often elusive
remember "inspiration" means to Breath in
the muse is always tempting…"lean into the wind"

Thank you for stopping by and checking out some of what I'm pushing up the art hill.

Interested Parties please, feel free to give me a call,text or Email at

And as always…"May The Muse Be With You!"

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